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Ripley County Basketball Hall of Fame
Ripley County Indiana is in the heart of Hoosier Hysteria! We proudly recognize those who have contributed to this tradition.
Welcome and enjoy the history!
Osgood 1916
1921 Batesville
1994 Regional Basketball
Osgood 1916
Sunman Tigers
1937 Sam Shievley
1959 Frank Kramer
1966 Kenneth Selke
1977 DeAnn Harmon
1940 Donald Freyer
1961 Ray Schottlekotte
1967 Eugene Freyer
1943 Leroy Clemons
1961 Chuck Federle
1967 Wilbur Schneider
1946 Carl Bruns
1961 Mark Riehle
1968 Ronald Selke
1954 Roger Ertel
1963 Larry Bauman
1972 Jim Horstman
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